Glam Followers

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Confession of a Lover

Guten Morgen (Good Morning)
aku start menaip nih waktu pagi, lepas aku terjaga dari tidoq.
Aku mimpi. mimpi yg bagi aku sangatla teruk.
dlm mimpi tu aku dicemuh, dikutuk, disindir dan etc.
aku berlutut dan memohon spaya jgn ditinggalkan.
sebab aku x mmpu nk berseorangan.
aku dibayangi rasa bersalah yg aku xtau di mana salah aku.
perasaan aku bercampuq baur. 
semua itu bermula dgn kebahagiaan yg aku x pernah rasa sblum nih.
dan BERAKHIR dgn...
(i dont have adjectives for this breaking up)

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

One word for End of Year Holidays : AWESOME !

Hey, Hey, Come to me. All of my friends in IPSAH including me were waiting for dis holiday so freakin much.
we have gone through many challenges along this year (2011)
preparing ourselves for final exams, finished every complicated tasks and plus many other personal problems
among us. hehe.

Ok, after i have finished my final exams, whatta relieved. i felt so free and excited remembering that i have gone thru those hell days. nothin much to describe, my day is getting better.
then, i relaxed myself for about 2 days in IPSAH 
(a great way to spend your holiday is by resting *i mean sleeping LOL)

then, i went to Penang visited my BFF(Bahiyah Khalid)and my neighbor(Ikmal Rodzi
by using a bus and a ferry. check out their photos...

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Hairstyle = i'm not HUJAN ok?

olaa..this is my new post regarding to my new hairstyle who someone had called me Noh HUJAN when i went to eat at a restaurant that day. woah3..sorry...i'm not him..euww...haha..
it is still approval if he is the one who trying to be me. =P (excusee mee? perasannya hangg ady)
well3...btw, lets stop talking bout him..i cut my hair and trying to copy Tommy Ratliff's hairstyle...
he is the lead guitarist for Adam Lambert's band..
(not HUJAN ok..? cuz now the weather is freakin' HOT here..)
let's look at his photos...

and now, let's look at his hairstyle more closer...

ahaks...i cut my hair slightly a bit like that..but a bit more gentle and innocent (haha, nk jdi cikgu la ktakan..)
i cannot colour my hair ok..? it is out of the norm..(plus, not suitable for my skin colour =P)
jom, tengokkk~!!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Wax of Life

This is the new poem created by me after I visited my Aunty at her house. She was old and terribly sicks. In this poem I did mentioned about the life journey of human from their childhood until their elder hood. 
when my dad hugged her, i saw her tears flowing down her cheeks and  yes, i can feel that she is not ready for anything that relates with the word "leaving". so do others.

i was so sad and can't even bother to look at her face again. 
i tried to figure out what is inside her heart now, being colonized by the wrinkles and no-use-bones in her body other than her fake smile that she showed to me. i was so into it.

she just needs to eat the food with high calcium and medicines only. the force of nature, that is the best to describe this situation. 
yeah, this is her time, who knows, our "TURN" is just around. are you ready for it?

As time walks by,
the numbers are waking,
the structures are changing,
the powers are exhausting and,
the strengths are weakening.

In the end,
left the dead wax alone,
No use, yet no spark !

As an abduction,
ain't them wanting for it?
ain't them waiting for it?
ain't them smiling for it?
or perhaps,
ain't them ready for it?
may want to run away,
able they can't.

And again,
left the dead wax alone,
No way out, and yet it stuck !

Friday, April 22, 2011

Can't You Not?

Hye, this poem also created based on my experience and expressing my feeling lately..sometimes
i need to work with people who always need my instruction in making any decision or perhaps in doing things. 
 im so frustrated with this kind of people cuz later they didn't finish their work and put everything on me..
take ur time and try to understand the poem..thank you for viewing.. 

Instructs you,
I can.
Order you,
No problem.
Helping you,
never-mind !

without those,
Can't you do things?
Letting you do,
Like feeding a sloth,
No reaction,
No feelings,
and No caring.

and Again.
Facing mess,
Trembling rest.
That's all it takes,
Giving your best.
Hoping for sun-rays,
Lighten up your ways.

copyright Adi Imran

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Silent Killer

this poem (Silent Killer) surely bout the real life of mine, i referred this to someone who i kept on giving the chance to change but ___ refused. The way ___ treat ___ friends and crushing their heart silently makes them annoyed of ___
i'm just hoping that ___ will change someday..

Friend in need,
Friend in deed,
Trash friendship.

Look what thee did,
Flee from battlefield,
Left a friend exhausted.

Killing thou dimly,
Silently suffering inside,
Trying to change thee,
But nothing to hope for
thee, Forever remain.

Monday, April 18, 2011

JPP Borneo Representative : Nur 'Adilah Dayana Abdullah

She is Nur 'Adilah Dayana Bt Abdullah
She came from Sabah =)
She is 19 years old.
Vote for her as your JPP Borneo Representative of IPSAH
I will gladly say that she is a trusted girl and will do her responsibilities well.

Sunday, April 17, 2011


this time i would like to share my own creation of poem
entitled "Prejudiced"

*think before you do anything*

each advised,
or viewed,
me listened,
but cried,
nor satirized,
me offended.

Eyes were given,
Widely used them,
Fingers were attached,
Linked it to the brain,
Reckless actioned done,
Others will suffered.

Copyright_Adi Imran

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Failure = Kegagalan = Sadness = Redha

i'm posting this topic as i had failed 1 subject in my exam which being called as Social Studies.
i felt terribly sad and i cant resist from flowing down lots of tears down my cheeks.
i have no idea what is wrong with me cuz i've been studying just like others and how come that i cant get something more than that..i've been dreaming of good results so i can show to my parents that i'm fine here. but, i cant lie to myself that i dont like to be here and it shows through my results which was devastated.
i thought everything will be easy for me here, but i was absolutely wrong. Giving my best and trying my best is just not enough. What should i do to improve myself ? There are so many distraction here that makes me feel uncomfortable and careless about my study. i know myself. my own self wasn't lazy and lame. but, the results that i got truly shown the complete change of me towards a freakin stupid and lazy student. i've been captured and mesmerized by the beauty of being an adult which makes me forget my position as a student.

i need to chil-lax myself for a while..later, i will continue..

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Vitas - Russian Singer - Highest Range

Vitas, a russian opera's singer has an absolutely great voice. me myself can't resist from listening to him repeatedly cuz he sounds sooo good..when he screamed it makes myself flew in the air and it's truly amazing.
i've got no adjective to describe his talent.
enjoy his singing =)

Sentences : Simple, Compund and Complex

Hey ya, in this post, you are about to learn how to identify 
Simple, Compound and Complex sentences.
The reason why we need to learn writing in various types of sentences because it can make our writing more lively and interesting to read. Too many simple sentences sometime will make our writing boring but too many long sentences would make people difficult to understand our writing.


A simple sentence, also called an independent clause, contains a subject and a verb, and it expresses a complete thought. In the following simple sentences, subjects are in yellow, and verbs are in green.

A. Some students like to study in the mornings.
B. Juan and Arturo play football every afternoon.
C. Alicia goes to the library and studies every day.

The three examples above are all simple sentences. Note that sentence B contains a compound subject, and sentence C contains a compound verb. Simple sentences, therefore, contain a subject and verb and express a complete thought, but they can also contain a compound subjects or verbs. 


A compound sentence contains two independent clauses joined by a coordinator. The coordinators are as follows: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so. (Helpful hint: The first letter of each of the coordinators spells FANBOYS.) Except for very short sentences, coordinators are always preceded by a comma. In the following compound sentences, subjects are in yellow, verbs are in green, and the coordinators and the commas that precede them are in red.

A. I tried to speak Spanish, and my friend tried to speak English.
B. Alejandro played football, so Maria went shopping.
C. Alejandro played football, for Maria went shopping.

The above three sentences are compound sentences. Each sentence contains two independent clauses, and they are joined by a coordinator with a comma preceding it. Note how the conscious use of coordinators can change the relationship between the clauses. Sentences B and C, for example, are identical except for the coordinators. In sentence B, which action occurred first? Obviously, "Alejandro played football" first, and as a consequence, "Maria went shopping. In sentence C, "Maria went shopping" first. In sentence C, "Alejandro played football" because, possibly, he didn't have anything else to do, for or because "Maria went shopping." How can the use of other coordinators change the relationship between the two clauses? What implications would the use of "yet" or "but" have on the meaning of the sentence?


 A complex sentence has an independent clause joined by one or more dependent clauses. A complex sentence always has a subordinator such as because, since, after, although, or when or a relative pronoun such as that, who, or which. In the following complex sentences, subjects are in yellow, verbs are in green, and the subordinates and their commas (when required) are in red.

A. When he handed in his homework, he forgot to give the teacher the last page.
B. The teacher returned the homework after she noticed the error.
C. The students are studying because they have a test tomorrow.
D. After they finished studying, Juan and Maria went to the movies.
E. Juan and Maria went to the movies after they finished studying.

When a complex sentence begins with a subordinator such as sentences A and D, a comma is required at the end of the dependent clause. When the independent clause begins the sentence with subordinators in the middle as in sentences B, C, and E, no comma is required. If a comma is placed before the subordinators in sentences B, C, and E, it is wrong.

Note that sentences D and E are the same except sentence D begins with the dependent clause which is followed by a comma, and sentence E begins with the independent clause which contains no comma. The comma after the dependent clause in sentence D is required, and experienced listeners of English will often hear a slight pause there. In sentence E, however, there will be no pause when the independent clause begins the sentence.

I hope that all the viewers can understand better after viewing this post.
Thank You.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Memoirs of a Glam Stud

pada smbutan raya cina taun nih ak balik umah ak kat jitra, suddenly 1 hari tuh ak teringat balik kenangan2 kat skula trmsuk la kejayan2 ak kat skula..ak mmg minat fesyen sgt2 or 2 be more specific arts..ak mmg ska melukis, mewrna..kalo sehari suntuk wat keja tuh un ak x kesa gak..ak mmg jdi dri sndri kat skula..tpi..skrg ak cma blh kenang ja, sbb ak xmgkin dpt ptah balik utk truskan minat ak..mcm u ollz tau ak post kat blog ak ni suma nya psai kekesalan ak sbb x cpai cita2 ak yg btoi2 ak nk..apakan daya..dh la..nmalaih nk leter byk2..tgk la gmbaq yg ad nih..ak nk share dgn suma viewers blog ak..syg korang~!

jamuan perpisahan =(

mdm ng's group

sengal 1

sengal 2

sengal 3

sengal 4

sengal 5

sengal 6

sengal 7

sengal 8

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sengal 14
 buat kawan-kawan ak time skula teknik kalo ampa terbaca blog nih, arap2 ampa igt lgi kngan kita u kita bersama kat skula, sbb ak penah reyau sbb tringat wktu kita sma2 blajaq kat ctu..
ak x penah lpakan ampa suma tau dak..kalo bley nk ja dok dgn ampa..
btw, ak akn plan 1 reunion, yg psti ampa jgn bwk anak mai skali (kalo ad)
haha..nnti  xleyh gosip plak..syg ampa suma~!


..salam, u ollz..ak bru ja blik dri Terapi Shopping..nmpak gaya x mnjadi jgak terapi nih..terbang gak duit kot mna un..urmm...nevermind, cuma tdi wktu tgh mronda sna sni ak nmpak satu pakaian yg buat ak tringat zaman skula ak..time i sang dkt skula wktu ari anugerah cmerlang..huhu..ak nmpak satu set tuxedo putih...cntik sgtt...

ak pena pkai bju tuh wktu nyanyi..alang2 ak dh update blog nih, ak nk post la vid tuh kat cni..nnti korang view k? bju tuh sejibik cam yg ak pkai time nayanyi..FYI, bju tuh dh xda..cuz kna banjir..umah ak kat Jitra kena *sigh*..redha jew la...

huhu~! nk dijadikan cerita, ak un penah ad kemelut dlm nk pilih masa dpn..byk btoi ak nk jdi..antaranya

darjah 2- ak nk jdi doktor
darjah 6- tukaq ke pilot (sbb time UPSR science dpt B =( )
form 3- tukaq ke pereka fesyen (sbb GEO x cekang and dpt twaran kat skula teknik utk fesyen)
abih spm- akur dgn pilihan keluarga stelah dpt twaran mnjdi GURU dlm bidang bahasa inggeris.

tpi, bru ak sedaq ssuatu, rupanya subjek yg ak x penah trbyg nk jdikan satu pkerjaan,tetiba mmg akn jdi sumber pndapatan utk ak pada masa depan..padahai ak dpt A dlm UPSR,PMR and SPM. 
doakan lah aku mintak2 pa yg ak pilih ni btoi2 akn mmbantu ak sterusnya mlahirkan insan yg cemerlang,gemiilang,dan terbilang + GLAM..haha~! (over)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Confession of a Shopaholic

hola kali ni berkisar tentang 'penyakit' yg dh lma hinggap kat bdn ak iaitu shopaholic. ak pon tiap bln dpt elaun dri mktab.ak ni pantng nmpak brg2 yg best2 ja msti ak beli, kdg2 benda yg x penting ataupun ak beli pastu ak simpan ja dlm bilik(x gna un..) 

ak setiap bbln ad dok dpt elaun dri maktab (thanks yaww) kata org elaun tuh dh mncukupi utk survive kat sna..tpi keadaan tuh brbeza dgn pa yg ak alami. ak sntiasa rsa x ckup. ad 1 time tuh ak dpt elaun seribu bpa ntah, dlm msa x smpai 4 ari ak dh abih rm800 (byk x?)
urmm..ak xtau cmna nk rawat sickness nih..sbb ak rsa mcm ssah sgt kalo x mmbeli anythin wktu hang out dgn kwn2..ak msti nk ad sumthin yg ak ley pgg kat tgn smbil jln..huhu~!
nk kta ak beli brg2 mahai dak la sgt..pndai gak budget2 (skit2 ja)ad kwn ak cdg sruh pi terapi..ak mmg pi terapi, tpi bkn terapi utk kaunseling, tpi terapi rwatan muka (tgk,mmbaziaq lagi) 
haiyaa...bkn haiyonnn..(hehe)

ak lahir2 cmni ka hah? urm..mgkin x kowt..sbb ak dlu bknnya boros sgt..kaki un bkn melekuk sgt..haha..(sstgh org kata kalo org boros kaki depa melekuk kat bhg tapak)
xtau btoi kew x, ak arap2 viewers suma doakan la ak supaya lebeyh ber shopping..
eh2..bkn..lebeyh berjimat simpan duit and ubah pangai..

Note Taking Skills - a way to achieve success in studies.









Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Trifles by Susan Glaspell


Susan Glaspell’s one-act play, Trifles, is based on actual events that occurred in Iowa at the turn of the century. From 1899-1901 Glaspell worked as a reporter for the Des Moines News, where she covered the murder trial of a farmer’s wife, Margaret Hossack, in Indianola, Iowa. Hossack was accused of killing her husband, John, by striking him twice in the head with an ax while he slept.

Initially it was assumed that burglars had murdered the farmer, but a subsequent sheriff’s investigation turned up evidence suggesting Mrs. Hossack was unhappy in her marriage. Ultimately, she was charged with and found guilty of the crime and sentenced to life in prison.

Over the course of sixteen months, Glaspell wrote twenty-six articles covering the case, from the announcement of the murder until Hossack’s conviction. The author found herself feeling more and more sympathy for the accused, in spite of the grisly nature of the crime.

Years later, Glaspell and her husband, George Cook, along with some friends, founded the Provincetown Players, an amateur theatrical company on Cape Cod, Massachusetts. In 1916 the group presented a summertime series of plays that included Eugene O'Neill's Bound East for Cardiff. In need of a new play to end the season, Cook suggested Glaspell should write a one-act for the company. Her memory of the Hossack trial inspired Trifles.

Trifles is a murder mystery that explores gender relationships, power between the sexes, and the nature of truth. In the play, the farmer and his wife never actually appear; instead, the story focuses on the prosecutor, George Henderson, who has been called in to investigate the murder; Henry Peters, the local sheriff; Lewis Hale, a neighboring farmer who discovered Wright’s body; and Mrs. Peters and Mrs. Hale, wives to the two local men.

While the men bluster and tramp around the farmhouse searching for clues, the women discover bits of evidence in the ‘‘trifles’’ of a farmer’s wife—her baking, cleaning and sewing. Because the men virtually ignore the women’s world, they remain blind to the truth before their eyes.

Drama Review

The setting for Trifles, a bleak, untidy kitchen in an abandoned rural farmhouse, quickly establishes the claustrophobic mood of the play. While a cold winter wind blows outside, the characters file in one at a time to investigate a violent murder: the farm’s owner, John Wright, was apparently strangled to death while he slept, and his wife, Minnie, has been taken into custody as a suspect in the crime.

The sheriff, Henry Peters, is the first to enter the farmhouse, followed by George Henderson, the attorney prosecuting the case. Lewis Hale, a neighbor, is next to enter. The men cluster around a stove to get warm while they prepare for their investigation.

Mrs. Peters and Mrs. Hale follow the men into the kitchen; yet, they hesitate just inside the door. They are obviously quite disturbed by what has happened in the house and proceed with more care than their husbands.

In a play filled with minor details (trifles) that take on major significance, the entrance of the characters is very revealing. There is an obvious divide—social, psychological, and physical—separating the men from the women, a fact that takes on a larger significance as the play progresses.

The investigation begins with Henderson questioning Lewis, who discovered the murder the day before. Lewis explains that he was on his way into town with a load of potatoes and stopped at the Wright farmhouse to see if John and Minnie wanted to share a telephone line with him, since they were neighbors. The farmer admits that he didn’t think John would be interested, since he didn’t like to talk much and didn’t seem to care about what his wife might want.

When he appeared at the Wright’s door early in the morning, he found Minnie rocking nervously in a chair, pleating her apron. When he asked to see her husband, she quietly told Lewis that he was lying upstairs with a rope around his neck, dead.

Lewis summoned his partner, Harry, to check the grisly scene. The two men found John just as his wife described him. Minnie claimed someone strangled him in the middle of the night without disturbing her. ‘‘I sleep sound,’’ she explained to her shocked neighbor.

Henderson suggests the men should look around the house for clues, beginning with the bedroom upstairs and the barn outside. Henry casually dismisses the room where Minnie sat, suggesting there is ‘‘nothing here but kitchen things.’’

It is those very kitchen things, however, which prove to be the most telling clues about what really happened in the Wright farmhouse. Climbing up on a chair to view the top shelf of a cupboard closet, Henderson finds some broken jars of fruit preserves. Mrs. Peters asserts that Minnie was afraid those jars would freeze and break while she was away. ‘‘Well, can you beat the woman!’’ Henry scoffs, ‘‘Held for murder and worryin’ about her preserves.’’ Lewis chimes in, ‘‘Well, women are used to worrying over trifles.’’

This callous exchange highlights one of Glaspell’s most important themes in the play— differences between the sexes—and propels the plot forward into its next stage, the real detective work accomplished by Mrs. Peters and Mrs. Hale.

The men go upstairs to continue their investigation, giving the two women a chance to talk privately for the first time. As they gather things to take to Minnie—a change of clothes, her shawl, and her familiar apron—Mrs. Hale remembers her friend from years ago, before she married John. ‘‘She used to wear pretty clothes and be lively, when she was Minnie Foster, one of the town girls singing in the choir,’’ Mrs. Hale recalls.

Minnie married John, who moved her to a lonesome farmhouse at the bottom of a hill. John was, by all accounts, a taciturn man with a violent temper. Under his roof, Minnie no longer socialized, and her gay party attire turned to drab, functional house clothes.

What the men are seeking, Mrs. Peters notes, is evidence of a specific incident that must have sparked the murder. What the women are finding, however, are small signs of detachment and frustration everywhere—a loaf of bread left outside a breadbox, a table partly cleaned, and a piece of quilt with frantic, uneven stitching.

The men return and pass through the kitchen in time to hear the women discussing whether Minnie was going to quilt or knot the sewing project. To them, the question is frivolous, just the sort of thing women use to occupy their time.

While their husbands search for evidence outside the house, Mrs. Peters and Mrs. Hale discover the final, essential clues to the mystery in the kitchen. While looking for some paper and string to wrap Minnie’s things, Mrs. Peters discovers an empty birdcage with a broken door in a cupboard.

Neither woman can recall whether she actually had a bird, but Mrs. Hale remembers that Minnie did have a beautiful singing voice when she was younger. Their find takes on tragic significance, however, when Mrs. Hale opens Minnie’s sewing box and discovers a small canary wrapped in a piece of silk—with a broken neck.

Suddenly, the men return. Instinctively, Mrs. Hale hides the sewing box under the pieces of quilt. When Henderson notices the cage and asks about the bird, Mrs. Peters joins Mrs. Hale in hiding evidence. ‘‘We think the—cat got it,’’ she lies.

The men decide to take one final look around upstairs, leaving the women alone to decide their course of action. Neither will say what is on their minds out loud, but both show understanding and sympathy for the plight of Mrs. Wright.

As a girl, Mrs. Peters remembers a boy killing her kitten with a hatchet, which brings back her feelings of rage and helplessness. She also recalls years of loneliness and desolation, when she and her husband were homesteading in the Dakota plains, and her baby died, leaving her alone in the house.

For her part, Mrs. Hale has vivid memories of Minnie Foster when she was happy and outgoing, before she became Mrs. Wright, imprisoned in this bleak farmhouse, cut off from the world.

The women consider their alternatives: disclose what they know, or cover up the clues that suggest a motive to the crime. Mrs. Peters finds the answer in the men’s patronizing treatment. ‘‘My, it’s a good thing the men couldn’t hear us,’’ she says half-jokingly. ‘‘Wouldn’t they just laugh! Getting all stirred up over a little thing like a—dead canary.’’ Without admitting it aloud, this is the only excuse the women need to keep Minnie’s private agony a secret.

The men return once again. Henderson glances quickly at the items Mrs. Peters has collected to take to Minnie, not noticing the sewing box with the dead bird.

While the men take one last look around to examine the windows of the house, Mrs. Peters frantically tries to hide the box in her handbag. It won’t fit and she begins to panic. Just as the doorknob turns and the men start back into the room Mrs. Hale finds room for the box in her coat. The trifles are safely hidden.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Hanya Kerana Mata

ola, post kali ni berkisarkan mngenai mata. macam2 fakta yg manusia kaitkan dgn mata..contohnya, di Korea, lelaki lebih tertarik kpd perempuan yg bermata besaq, and aD certain pndapat says that arabian's women mmpunyai mata yg cantik..sejauh mna anda smua mnilai kcantikan mata? 

korean eyes-depa ni keja dok pkai contact lens ja (ak pon pkai gak)

ad org kata kalo minum innershine knon2 ley dpt mata mcm Maya Karin walhal pe yg cntik sgt dgn mata dya tuh..tidoq2 pas bgn ad taik mta gak (oops) cam org len gak..bulu mata fake mmg x lpas dri mata..dok maen dgn gam je la keja tiap2 ari..xpa2 ak bkn nk pi smpai part mngutuk org..sja ja bg contoh...brbalik kpd motif asal, mata mrupakan anugerah tuhan yg sgt berharga kpd manusia. kbnyakan mnusia mnggunakan mata dgn cra yg slah dan kdg2 dijamukan dgn bnda2 yg boleh mrosakkan mata. 
spa yg ptot diperslahkan ? (ayat melodi =D)

sesetengah org mmg x hargai lgsung mata depa, they simply gna mata tuh utk mlakukan kejahatan, malah ad yg x brsyukur dgn nikmat ALLAH ja yg depa x puas ati dgn mata depa..aiyaa..awat hah? syukur la..kesian sstgh org yg xdak mata (buta) depa bkn maen ssah lgi nk brgrak malah dihina plak tuh..(spa hina ak pi taboh mampuih) dh tuh mcm ssah lak nk dpt keja or whatever.

Eva - ANTM winner- cantik kowt mata dia (not u eh evanna, haha)
*sigh* skrg lets move on to sebaris pepatah melayu kononnya yg cinta nii brmula 
"dari mata turun ke hati".
choiii, how far can we trust dis s@#t? oops..hehe..kalo yg xdak mata x ley bercinta laa..cmtu? tomoii stgi..hamboih.kalo kita knalpasti balik pepatah nih, smmgnya org melayu kita nih cuma cintakan fizikal ja..dh dpt pastu buang cmtu? rsanya kna check balik kowt, ntah2 celah2 fizikal tu ad kurap ka pa ka baru ampa ketahuan..haha..

ok2..bukan nk mngata cuma nak suma org sedaq psai hal ni..kita dh byk slh gna mata kita, trmasuk mnilai org..tahap penilaian kita tuh kna la update skit, jgn la fesyen kita update, tpi hal2 cmni bley plak dok ttup mata. kdg2 kita simply nilai org from their appearance tpi kita xtau inner beauty yg trsmbunyi dlm dri manusia tuh (xtau la kalo beauty kew x len crita)

sbgai contoh, kalo org tuh gemok atau berkulit gelap, people perception yg dh lma di pegang depa sejak turun temurun lagi mmg suma nya kata golongan nih sbg last choice dlm mmilih psgan idop..well hey, i kulit gelap tpi uhum2 i putih tau..

berat mata memandang, berat lagi bahu memikulnya(eye lashes)
hohoho..xmau la ngarut pnjg2..cuma nk tekankan kat cni..gnalah nikmat tuhan dgn sebaiknya, 
kalo cantik/hensem jgn la plak slh gnakan..ok?

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Terlebeyh Sedaq Diri

Sebelom GD mula menaip, GD nk habaq siap2 yg post kali ni mmg nk maki @ kutuk @ pa sja yg seangkatan dgnnya..kalo spa rsa dya x mau share dosa mngutuk jgn dok bca...inform siap2 nah~! nnti jgn dok heret ak sma sudah~!  kisah ni ad kaitan dgn tmpat ak study skrg which means ak sgt, ak mmg x ska dok ctu un well at least ad some sort things yg wat ak jdi ska SIKIT je la..ak nih dh cba mcm2 utk suka tmpat tuh trmasuk la amik sorang atau dua seniors jdi my role models..
ok, ak akn gelaq dya nih as "F"(bkn nma sbenar) which means faggot, freak and all the negative words which starts with "F"..
i really adore F bcuz of dya rajin,smart,talented in many things and of coz pandai..well hey, people perhaps u can guess who, but GD x mau mention nma , ok..? u ollz ley teka or anythin, but plss..dont ask me who..i want to get rid of F from my mind..ok, mgkin rmai junior2 laen ska dya sbb dya merupakan salah seorg student yg berjaya ke be honest, me either..i really like dya pnya attitude and whatsoever, tpi mslah skrg awat ang  DELETE AKU FROM UR FB'S FRENS...? i didnt do anythin or say anythin or more closer i x kcau ur life at all u damned freakin faggot..aarrrggghhhh..u know what, ak cuma nk tnya sal study ja and xpenah kcau ur life, ya la perhaps dya dh lpa dri dh la kowt, well bulan Februari ni nk pi dh..(pi pon dak gi dok wat hebat paa) ak nk tnya sai macbeth ja un..criusly ak xtau pa slh ak kat dya, smpai ati dya delete ak..hurmm..sedeyh tau dak, selama ni dok smbng elok ja xdak mslah pa un...
kalo ang ad view blog ak and terasa, im so sorry,
but once u messed with me, u will deserved more PAIN than u did to me..
so,spa mkan cili dya rsa pedas..yeah, kalo nk explain, silakan...i dont mind..

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

!~My Wish List~!

aku merupakan seorang remaja lelaki berusia 19 tahun pada Mac 2011 ini, mempunyai banyak perkara yang aku inginkan dalam kehidupan aku. Malang bagi seorang lelaki yg bergelar "anak harapan" yg begitu diharapkan oleh kedua ibu bapanya untuk berjaya mempunyai kestabilan kewangan di masa hadapan seterusnya dapat membantu mereka ketika mereka sudah uzur. aku tidak mengeluh malah semakin bersemangat untuk mencapai CITA-CITA mereka. akan tetapi aku merasakan apa yang telah aku capai selama ini seperti tidak dapat memuaskan hati mereka malahan aku terpaksa menurut segala perintah mereka untuk melanjutkan pelajaran dalam bidang yg sememangnya tidak pernah aku impikan LANGSUNG~! seperti yang kita semua sudah sedia maklum sebagai seorang anak kita seharusnya menurut arahan mereka dan elakkan daripada men'derhaka' kepada mereka. kini, aku berada di maktab perguruan sg. petani yg begitu...~! tidak perlu untuk ak melafazkannya di sini.sesungguhnya aku amat merindui kehidupan ku yg bebas bersuara, bergerak, melakukan apa yang aku suka dan tidak terikat dengan peraturan serta arahan untuk menjadi seorang yg bukan bernama DIRIKU~! di sini aku lampirkan satu senarai perkara yang aku inginkan (sama ada dah terlepas atau tidak)

1- Aku nak jadi seorang pereka fesyen yg terkenal.
2- being outspoken (in any situation)
3- wanna be a singer too..
4- wear anythin' yg ak suka
5- bebas utk gelak
6- gelak kuat2 (gelak lagi)
7- jerit yg ak x suka jdi tua (mcm cikgu2)
8- x mau follow rules
9- beli apa saja yg ak nak( xterikat dgn nk smpn duit or anythin)
10- no more beli buku (beli bahan menjait jaa)
11- ad satu rahsia yg ak xdpt cerita kat cni tpi ak nk wat( nk tau tnya i)
12- pi melancong...
13- makan byk2 ( tgh diet sbb berat dh x trkawai)
14- menambahkan usage of harsh words (hehe)!
16-teriak puas2 (dh lma x teriak)
17- menari and have fun dgn kwn2
18-gosip dgn kwn2
19- makan daging sedara sendiri dgn kwn2 (paham2 la sndri)
20- x mau pikul tggungjawab yg byk (mcm jdi cikgu)

setakat ni dulu wish list yg x tercapai..lagipun ni x trmasuk lgi dgn wish2 nk pi luaq negara and so on yg bleyh menonjolkan keGLAMeran yg ak impikan. 
thanks 4 viewing. 
the end.